Things to do on and around the campsite
For swimming enthusiasts, the forest swimming pool in Gudenhagen and the nearby Diemelsee are available.
The "Aqua Olsberg" also offers you relaxation in the brine pool or in the great sauna area.
A round in our green forests around the Bruchhauser Steine jog, invigorates and clears your mind.
In the "city of the forest" Brilon is a
Archery - Course that is suitable for both advanced and beginners.
Hiking is one of our main activities. There are endless possibilities, above all the beautiful Rothaarsteig, which, by the way, leads directly past our campsite. Immerse yourself in the beautiful forests of the Hochsauerland.
From 2021!
You can find this activity directly on our campsite near the old barn.
Compass nature camp
This is very close by
"Compass Nature Camp" in which various workshops for young and old on the subject of nature, adventure and experiences are offered. "SECRET TIP"
Gönnen Sie sich eine kleine Auszeit bei "Susanne Beine"
Sie ist unsere erfahrene, liebevolle Kraft mit heilenden Händen und bietet u.a. Qi Gong und Hatha-Yoga an. Der Behandlungsraum und das Übungsgelände befinden sich in direkter Nachbarschaft zum Campingplatz.
Termine bitte direkt mit Susanne absprechen:
0151 - 64688590
To go biking
Our region is characterized by a very well developed network of cycle tours, where all cycle enthusiasts can find fulfillment. Especially the routes
of the Sauerland Bike Arena
Highly recommended.
Skiing and snowboarding
2 km from our place
the Sternrodt lift is located the longest and above all the most beautiful Departure in the Hochsauerland can offer. After Willingen and Winterberg there are approx. 20 km each, where you can then also enter the cross-country ski run.
The starting point for paragliders can be seen from the campsite.
A fascinating sport not only for the active.